Cooking at Home with… You ?

“Cooking at Home with… You ? “

   Easy to watch ! Easy to cook !


Increase your visibility Online

Duration 1-3 mn
A fair offer all inclusive


Connect with your audience
Show your products
Share your recipes with your followers
In English, French or German


    Let them have a Taste of your brand
Let them Experience
Let them Share the Emotion

How I started “Cooking at Home with…”

During this special period, cooking is – and stays – one of the best ways to share our everyday life and to connect with friends and family.

As my whole team was under lockdown as well, I decided to produce myself the videos.
Writing and testing the recipe, shooting the video, operating the lighting, the styling, the cooking, the editing as well as the social media posting.

Food videos have to offer true, easy and delicious recipes but one of the most important starting points (too often missed) is definitely to properly test the recipe.

My philosophy

Quality, Creativity, Authenticity


Watch the “Cooking at Home with…” videos

Baguette parisienne

Pâte à tartiner




Mousse choco vegan

Quiche aux broccolis

Champagne Hattat-Decker

Babyspinat Salat

Vegetarischer Couscous

Gebratener Lachs

Grüner Smoothie

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